fetal age

美 [ˈfiːtl eɪdʒ]英 [ˈfiːtl eɪdʒ]
  • 网络胎龄
fetal agefetal age


the age of an embryo counting from the time of fertilization
Synonym: fertilization age gestational age


  1. Objective To observe the anatomical structures of tricuspid complex of heart in different fetal age , in order to accumulate data for heart study and clinical utilization .


  2. Results In fetus of 7 month , the cornea showed fewer layers of epithelium . With the increase of fetal age , the epithelium layer increased and the structure became mature .


  3. The glucose is also related to the fetal age and weight .


  4. Conclusion Development of the skin gradually became perfect with the increase of fetal age .


  5. The Relationship Between fetal Age and Fetal Length and Weight in Pregnant Rats


  6. The relation between fetus femur length and its complete week fetal age


  7. Measurement of exterior shape of the abortion fetuses in 247 cases of different fetal age


  8. The number and the shape of CgA-IR cells change with the fetal age .


  9. Methods : The cells isolated from different fetal age and different site were cultured in serum-free medium .


  10. The number and size of pancreatic GnRH-IR cells tended to increase with fetal age .


  11. Then the ultrasound technician finally came and said he 'd measure the femur to determine fetal age .


  12. Conclusion : The fetal age of 26 ~ 29 weeks is an important period in the development of human fetal uterine .


  13. While the ratio of lymphocyte decreased with fetal age and was less than 50 % at the end of gestation .


  14. With the fetal age increased , staining reaction of NOS increased gradually and reached its peak at the ninth month .


  15. Results : The NSCs isolated from young fetal age or near the germinal center possess strong proliferation and passage ability .


  16. Methods NSCs of different fetal age rats were isolated and cultured through the combination of mechanical and pancreatin digestant isolation .


  17. For babies less than 37 weeks in fetal age with a weight less than 2500g , mortality rate was highest in breech extractions .


  18. The thickness of the internal elastic membrane , tunica media and tunica adventitia and the diameter of the vessel increased with the increase of fetal age .


  19. The distribution of the vessels and the development of the lens capsule were observed in the 50 human fetus ( 14 th week & maturity of fetal age ) .


  20. Results At 9 weeks of fetal age , a lot of 5 HT IR cells were found in the colon , but IAPP IR cells appeared at 18 weeks .


  21. The range of the foot bone ossification sites increased with the fetal age , and there was an obvious positive linear correlation between the ossification degrees and the conceptional age .


  22. Results ,,,, From the third month of human fetus , with the fetal age increasing , the cell bodies of NOS positive neurons gradually enlarged , cytoplasm gradually increased and positive reaction gradually enhanced .


  23. The development of synapse of Purkinje cell layer of cerebellar cortex in Chinese Human Fetus at fetal age of the week 19 、 21 、 26 and 34 are observed by ultrathin section technique .


  24. NI was remarkably related to the fetal age , birth weight , method of feeding , severity of disease , length of the hospital stay , improper application of antimicrobial agents or hormone and invasive operation .


  25. This method can not only exactly reflect the law of the continuous development of the relation between brain weight and fetal age , but also be used as a means of revealing the law of the growth of fetal brain weight .


  26. The results showed that the mean gray level and the numerical density increased with the increase of fetal age , but there was no remarkable correlation between the arithmetic mean volume and the ratio of surface to volume and the fetal age .


  27. Conclusion The smooth muscle , CNND and CNAD are increased with fetal age , suggesting that it is advisable for the choice of 37 ~ 40-week-old umbilical vein as grafts .


  28. Using histochemical staining methods , we studied the histochemical characteristics of mast cells ( MCs ) and the relation between MCs and other cells in nasal mucosa and trachea in different fetal age of 50 cases of human fetuses .


  29. Conclusion The neonatorum asphyxia is often accompanied with visceral injuries , and the prevalence is closely related to the degree of asphyxia , resuscitation measure , intrauterine asphyxia , pH value of arterial blood , and fetal age .


  30. METHODS : The experiment was conducted in Clinical Laboratory of Anyang Tumor Hospital , from June 2003 to March 2004.The fresh corpora striatum region brain tissue of 8-16 weeks fetal age anthropo embryo that were induction of labor with water bag were mechanically separated .
